“To whom much is given, much is required.” The Lima Medical Massage Center provides complimentary Chair Massages at
various VFW programs/activities and community health fairs. We also distribute health-related information/resources and
provide educational presentations regarding the benefits of Massage Therapy and Lymphedema (what it is and how it can be
treated). In addition, we Partner with The Smith-Jones Family Foundation, where we help provide (“Be Great”) Book
Scholarships, support local HBCU students, co-host HBCU College Tours, issue stipends for teacher classroom resource
procurement, offer youth (and women) golf lessons and donate time, resources and money to select charitable programs,
activities and events.
various VFW programs/activities and community health fairs. We also distribute health-related information/resources and
provide educational presentations regarding the benefits of Massage Therapy and Lymphedema (what it is and how it can be
treated). In addition, we Partner with The Smith-Jones Family Foundation, where we help provide (“Be Great”) Book
Scholarships, support local HBCU students, co-host HBCU College Tours, issue stipends for teacher classroom resource
procurement, offer youth (and women) golf lessons and donate time, resources and money to select charitable programs,
activities and events.